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A microscopic reply to diseases

Everywhere. That’s our new location. It’s not the name of any place. I meant literally everywhere on the Earth. Okay okay, I don’t know how to reach everywhere on this planet with my teeny tiny lifespan. Maybe I’ll let some travel agents discuss that. We do have some science to talk and that is why we were going to travel everywhere. But behold. Things are about to get filthy. We have some folks fighting over something. Just everywhere. So let’s check what these folks are up to. “Attention soldiers. Get your armor ready.” “Yes sir.” “Icosahedron helmet ready- collar ready-sheath ready-Tail fibers ready. All check. Good to go.” These soldiers may prepare for thousands of fights. They may do it at different locations. However they have a common target. Bacteria! They savor on bacteria and hence the name Bacteriophages (phages in short). These are viruses that look similar to what you saw above. They are the microscopic soldiers I talked about. Its peculiar structure makes it look as if

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